XXI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry

Santander, June 30 – July 2, 2025


Registration is now open. The registration fees are as follows:

Early registration
(until May 31st)
Late registration
(after May 31st)
Regular200 €280 €
Student*130 €180 €

* Student includes Master and Doctoral students. When registering, students are asked to send an email to egc2025@unican.es communicating their situation.

Registration is handled by the Fundación Leonardo Torres Quevedo (FLTQ) of our university at this link.

If you have problems or questions regarding the registration and/or payment process please send an email to fltqcongresos@unican.es (you can cc egc2025@unican.es, but these issues will primarily be handled by FLTQ).