XXI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry

Santander, June 30 – July 2, 2025



Contributions must be submitted via Easy chair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=egc25

Submission format

Submissions must be written in English, formatted according to the LaTeX style contained in this Zip file. The mandatory submission format is PDF.

Page limits

We accept «paper submissions» and «talk submissions».

Paper submissions: Each paper submission should consist of an extended abstract of up to 4 pages of original research. Authors are encouraged to add an appendix with additional details, or even a full version of the paper, which will be reviewed by the program committee at their discretion to verify claims whose proofs do not fit in the 4-page abstract. Papers that have been submitted to journals or other conferences are eligible for submission to EGC, assuming that it is allowed by those venues and they are not published at the time of submission.

Talk submissions: Each talk submission should consist of an abstract of 1 page describing original research presented in the proposed talk. This may involve ongoing research or a result published recently (with the first publication dated in 2024 or later). If the work has appeared previously, please provide a reference to the publication.

Submission server

Submissions should be submitted using the EasyChair system https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=egc25

Submissions are due on April 13th, 2025 (23:59 AoE).

Final versions

The final versions of accepted papers will be due by June 9, 2023. They must also adhere to the XX EGC style file, and will be submitted through EasyChair.

The final submission should consist of a single pdf file, without page numbers.

You can submit either an «extended» or a «short» abstract.

  1. Extended abstracts

Each paper submission should consist of an extended abstract of up to 4 pages of original research, following this template. Authors are encouraged to add an appendix with additional details, or even a full version of the paper, which will be reviewed by the program committee at their discretion to verify claims whose proofs do not fit in the 4-page abstract.

Papers that have recently been submitted to journals or other conferences are eligible for submission to EGC, assuming that it is allowed by those venues and they have not been published by the time of the conference.

  1. Talk submissions

Each talk submission should consist of an abstract of 1 page describing original research presented in the proposed talk. This may involve ongoing research or a result published recently (with the first publication dated in 2024 or later). If the work has appeared previously, please provide a reference to the publication.

Abstracts of accepted papers and talks will be collected in a booklet that will be accessible from the conference website. There will be a limited number of printed booklets with ISBN. Presentations of accepted papers and talks will be allocated the same amount of time in the program (approximately 15-25 minutes).

All submissions (of both papers and talks) will be reviewed by the program committee in order to guarantee that they are in scope and meet quality standards.

Submission instructions will be available at the paper submission section on the conference website.

Authors of accepted submissions are expected to present their work at the conference. Failure to do so will result in removal of the contribution from the abstract booklet and conference website.